Association - Les membres
WEBER Nicolas
Chercheur à Sun Yat-Sen University (Canton)
Parcours universitaire
Thèse soutenue : Contribution à l’histoire des communautés cam en Asie du Sud-est (Cambodge, Vietnam, Siam, Malaisie) : intégration politique, militaire et économique, Thèse de doctorat (sous la direction de M. Fournié et co-direction de Quang Po Dharma), Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris, 2005, 461 p.
Mémoire de DEA : L’identité culturelle cam et la politique au Vietnam, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris, 1999.
Mémoire de Maîtrise : L’image des Cham véhiculée par les manuels scolaires d’histoire de l’enseignement secondaire au Vietnam, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris, 1997.
1. Reproduction des Manuscrits Cam n° 1. Contes, Épopées, Textes Versifiés, avec Po Dharma, Abdul Karim et Majid Yunos, Department of Museums and Antiquities Malaysia & École Française d’Extrême-Orient, Kuala Lumpur, 2003. CD-Rom, 1731 p.
2. Akayét Um Marup (Hikayat Um Marup = Épopée Um Marup) [The Um Marup Epic], coedited with Po Dharma, Abdullah Zakaria bin Ghazali and Dominique Nguyen, Kuala Lumpur, Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage Malaysia & École Française d’Extrême-Orient, 2007, 214 p.
3. Histoire de la diaspora Cam, Paris, Les Indes Savantes, 2014, 192 p.
1. " Dân Tôc Cham va Vuong Quôc Champa trong bô sach giao khoa o Viet Nam " (Le Champa et les Chams dans les manuels scolaires vietnamiens), Champaka 1, 1999 : 85-99 (en langue vietnamienne).
2. " Ariya Tuen Phaow : le soulèvement anti-vietnamien d’un seigneur malais au Panduranga-Campa à la fin du XVIIIe siècle ", Péninsule Indochinoise et Monde Malais (Relations historiques et culturelles), Ministry of Culture, Arts and Tourism, Malaysia & École Française d’Extrême-Orient, Kuala Lumpur, 2003 : 127-166. - Réédité en langue vietnamienne sous le titre : " Su khoi nghia cua Tuen Phaow vao nam 1796-1797 " (Le soulèvement de Tuen Phaow en 1796-1797) in Champaka 4, 2004 : 86-100.
3. C.R de G. C. Hickey, Free in the Forest: Ethnohistory of the Vietnamese Central Highlands, 1954-1976, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1982, in Champaka 4, 2004 : 219-228 (en langue vietnamienne).
4. C.R de Dorohiem, Dohamide, Bangsa Champa. Tìm về một cõi nguồn xa cách (Bangsa Champa. Recherches sur ses origines lointaines), Seacaef-Viet Foundation, California, USA, 2004, in Harak Champaka 10, 2006 : 4-12 (en langue vietnamienne).
5. C.R de Gérard Moussay, Grammaire de la langue Cam, Missions Étrangères de Paris-Les Indes Savantes, Paris, 2006, in Archipel 73, 2007 : 255-257.
6. “ A Cham-Malay Account of the Conquest of Southern Vietnam by the French (1859-1867) ”, Sejarah 16, 2008 : 39-57.
7. “ The Vietnamese Annexation of Panduranga (Champa) and the End of a Maritime Kingdom ”, [in] Danny Wong Tze-Ken (ed.) Memory and Knowledge of the Sea in Southeast Asia, Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya, 2008 : 65-76.
8. “ Securing and Developing the South-western Region: The Role of the Cham and Malay Colonies in Vietnam (1759-1867) ”, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 54, 2011 : 739-772 (traduit en chinoiset accepté pour publication dans 区域与全球发展 - Area Studies and Global Development -).
9. “ A Cham-Malay Account of the Conquest of Southern Vietnam by the French (1859-1867) ”, Sejarah 16, 2008 : 39-57.
10. “ The Destruction and Assimilation of Campā (1832-5) as seen from Cam Sources ”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 43(1), 2012 : 158–180 (traduit et publié en chinois: 从占婆长诗看占婆的覆灭与被同化”, 海洋史研究 - Studies of Maritime History -, 第13辑, 2018).
11. " Les Cam et les Malais du Cambodge et de Cochinchine vus par les archives coloniales (1859-1954) ", Archipel, vol. 85, 2013 : 117-134.
12. “Exploring Cam Narratives Sources for History of the Cam Diaspora of Cambodia”, Nalanda-Srivijaya Center Working Paper Series No. 17, 2015, 14 p.
13. " Note sur les inscriptions en cam du pāḷāt' Tut, estampeur d'Étienne Aymonier ", BEFEO, vol. 100 (2014 / publié en 2016) : 253-258.
14. CR de Loh Wei Leng, Badriyah Haji Salleh, Mahani Musa, Wong Yee, Tuan and Marcus Langdon (editors), Biographical Dictionary of Mercantile Personalities of Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Think City and MBRAS 2013, 228 p, in Péninsule 72, 2016 : 199-201.
15. “ The Cham Diaspora in Southeast Asia: Patterns of Historical, Political, Social and Economic Development ”, [in] Engelbert, Jörg Thomas (ed.), Vietnam's Ethnic and Religious Minorities: A Historical Perspective, Berne, Peter Lang, 2016 :157-202.
16. “ 'We Were Moving in an Endless Single Line'. Memory, Exile and History in Cam Diaspora’s Narrative Poems ”, Sojourn – Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, 34 n°1, 2019 : 76-109.
17. “ Ascendance reconstituée et mémoire de l’exil : l’histoire cam vue par les généalogies royales de la diaspora ”, Péninsule, 80, 2020 : 35-64.
18. “ Adventurers, Warlords and Ministers: Malay Figures in Cam and Vietnamese Modern Historical Sources ”, à paraitre dans Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society.
“ Ariya Tuen Phaow: The Anti-Vietnamese Uprising led by a Malay Lord in Campa ”, International Conference Malay World-Indochinese World: Historical and Cultural Relations, National Museum, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 21-22 Novembre 2000.
“ The Collection of the Cam Manuscripts of the Cornell University, USA ”, International Seminar Malay-Champa Manuscripts, National Museum, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6-7 Décembre 2004.
“ The Military role of the Cham-Malays in Southeast Asia ”, International Seminar Champa Researches, National University, Malaysia, 30 Novembre 2005.
“ Migration, Resettlement and Identity of the Cham Diaspora in Southeast Asia ”, International Conference Champa 2007: Socio-cultural Issues of Champa 175 years after its disappearance (1832-2007), San Jose, California, 7-8 Juillet 2007.
Coorganisateur (avec Grégory Mikaelian) du colloque international sur les études khmères, « Quelle(s) science(s) pour le pays khmer ? Approches empiriques et théoriques », 25-26 novembre 2011, Inalco, Paris.
“ The Vietnamese Annexation of Panduranga (Champa) and the End of a Maritime Kingdom ”, International Seminar Maritime Culture and Geopolitics, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23-24 Octobre 2008.
“ The Royal Genealogies of the Cham Diaspora in Cambodia: Imagined Ancestry, reconstruction of the Past and Memory of the Exile ”, New Directions: A One Day Colloquium on Southeast Asian Literatures, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10 Décembre 2008.
“Cham and Malay Interactions in Nineteenth Century Indochinese Peninsula”, Siri Seminar Jabatan Sejarah, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20 Février 2009.
“ The Chams and the Malays in Indochina during the French Protectorate (1860-1954) as seen from the Colonial Archives ”, Seminar Antarabangsa Hubungan Sejarah Indochina dan Dunia Melayu, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20-21 Octobre 2009.
“ Cham Metrical Works as Historical Sources ”, Seminar Transformations in Literature and Language, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2 Décembre 2009.
“ The Assimilation and Accommodation of Non-Vietnamese Peoples in Pre-colonial Vietnam: the Case of the Chams and the Khmers ”, Siri Seminar Jabatan Sejarah, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24 Février 2010.
“ History of the Cham Diaspora in Southeast Asia ”, National University of Singapore, 8 Septembre 2010.
“ The Early Malay World - Indianized Kingdoms - ‘The Land of Gold’ - Islam and Malacca, the Entrepot State ”, St Stephen’s University Southeast Asia Study Abroad Program (Canada), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 27 Octobre 2010.
“ The Cham Diaspora in Malaysia. An ‘invisible’ community? ”, 4th International Conference on Southeast Asia (ICONSEA 2011), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 6 Décembre 2011.
“Exploring Cam Narratives Sources for the History of Cam Diaspora in Cambodia”, The Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre Lecture Series, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 2 Mai 2012.
“The Seals of the Royal Archives of Champa: a Preliminary Study”, International Conference Seals as Symbols of Power and Authority in Southeast Asia, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6-7 Novembre 2012.
“Cham: A Political or Politicized Minority?”, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Seminar Series, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 14 Juin 2013.
“ The Cham in Southeast Asia: Political Participation and Politicisation ”, Vietnam Studies Event, Australian National University, 11 October 2013 and Sydney Southeast Asia Centre, University of Sydney, 12 Octobre 2013.
“ The Chams in Cambodia: Current Social and Political Developments ”, Southeast Asia Rising!- 5th International Conference on Southeast Asia (ICONSEA 2013), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11-13 Décembre 2013.
“ On Using Cham Sources for the Writing of Champa Modern History ”, International Conference Research on China-Vietnam Relations: Past, Present and Future (国际研讨会« 中越关系研究:历史、现状与未来 »,河内国家大学&中山大学, 广州新珠江大酒店,广州,广东,中国— Hội Thảo Khoa Học Quốc Tế “Nghiên Cứu Quan Hệ Trung Quốc-Việt Nam: Lịch Sử, Hiện Trạng và Tương Lai”,Đại Học Quốc Gia Hà Nội &Đại Học Trung Sơn, Khách Sạn New Pearl River, Quảng Châu, Quảng Đông), National University of Hà Nội & Sun Yat-Sen University, New Pearl River Hotel,Guangzhou, Chine, 14-15 Mai 2018.
“ The Contribution of Chams and Malays to the Development of Modern Southern Vietnam ”, “全球史与中国 2018”, 北京外国大学历史院, Global History and China 2018 Lecture Series, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, Chine, 17 Octobre 2018.
“ Reclaiming Malay Civilization and Solidarity Across the Sea: the Chams as seen through the Malay press ”, International Symposium Oceans and China Research(« 海洋与中国研究 » ,国际学术研讨,厦门大学人文学院&中山大学历史系,厦门大学,厦门市,福建省),University of Xiamen, Department of History & Sun Yat-Sen University, Department of History , University of Xiamen, Fujian, Chine, 29 Mars-01 Avril 2019.
“ Malaysia’s Sociopolitical Development: Ethnic Politics and Politicization of Religion ”, Developing Country Studies Lecture Series发展中国家研究系列讲座, Department of International Relations, Tsinghua University 清华大学, Beijing, China, 23 Mai 2019.
© AEFEK 2017 - Abdoul-Carime Nasir