Association d'échanges et de formation pour les études khmères
Echos de la recherche - Panel 38 (2° semestre 2021)
Walker-Vadillo,Veronica, " A historiography of Angkor’s river network: shifting the research paradigm to Westerdahl’s Maritime Cultural Landscape ", SPAFA Journal, vol. 3, 2019, 30 p. []
Goodall, Dominic& Chollet, Chloé, " La prouesse martiale et les pieds de Śiva : Note au sujet de l’inscription préangkorienne K. 1373 du Phnom Sambok ", BEFEO, vol. 106, 2020 : 379-400.
Lokesh Chandra, Rāmāyaṇa in Cambodia, New Delhi, International Academy of Indian Culture and Aditya Prakashan, 2020, 336 p.
Stock, Emiko, “ ‘For ‘Ali Is Our Ancestor’: Cham Sayyids’ Shi’a Trajectories from Cambodia to Iran ”, in O. Scharbrodt & Y. Shanneik (eds.), Shi’a Minorities in the Contemporary World: Migration, Transnationalism and Multilocality, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press : 227-256.
Thirion-Merle, Valérie ; Desbat, Armand ; Thierrin-Michael, Gisela & Hong, Ranet, " The Kiln Sites of the “Torp Chey” Area (Cambodia) ", BEFEO, vol. 106, 2020 : 195-203.
Ancel, Guillaume, Un casque bleu chez les Khmers rouges : journal d'un soldat de la paix, Cambodge 1992, Paris, les Belles lettres, 2021, 252 p.
Beban, Alice, Unwritten rule: state-making through land reform in Cambodia, Ithaca, New York / London, Cornell University Press, 2021, 242 p.
Cros, Bernard, “ George Cœdès et le Cambodge à travers sa correspondance (1912-1917) “, Péninsule 82, 2021 : 95-151.
de Bernon, Olivier, " L'inscription K. 1224, unique occurence du terme bhikkhunī dans le corpus épigraphique du Cambodge ", Journal Asiatique, vol. 309, n° 1, 2021 : 141-145.
Carter, A. K., Klassen, S., Stark, M. T., Polkinghorne, M., Heng, P., Evans, D., & Chhay, R., “ The evolution of agro-urbanism: A case study from Angkor, Cambodia “, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, vol. 63, September 2021. []
Corre, E., " Aoj ‘give’ in Khmer ", in Myriam Bouveret (ed.), Give Constructions across Languages, 29, Amsterdam, Johns Benjamins Publishing Company, 147-174.
DeFalco, R. C., & Sirik, S., " The Fluctuating Visibility of Everyday Violence in Khmer Rouge Era Cambodia ", Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, vol. 31, August 2021, 33 p. []
Galway, Matthew, " Red service-intellectual: Phouk Chhay, Maoist China, and the Cultural Revolution in Cambodia, 1964–67 ", Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, vol. 52, n° 2, June 2021 : 275-308.
Gill, F., " Depicting atrocity: The experiences of women under the Khmer Rouge ", Women's Studies International Forum, vol. 87, July-August 2021. []
Grave, P., Kealhofer, L., Phon, K., Heng, P., Stark, M. T., Marsh, B., ...& Marriner, G. P., " Centralized power/decentralized production? Angkorian stoneware and the southern production complex of Cheung Ek, Cambodia ", Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 125, 2021. [10.1016/j.jas.2020.105270]
Hai, N. C. ., Thanh, N. H. ., & Chau, T. M., Preservation of Cultural Values and Socio-Economic Development in the Sustainable Development of the Khmer People in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, Preservation of Cultural Values and Socio-Economic Development in the Sustainable Development of the Khmer People in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, 2021, 53 p. []
Ichita, Shimoda., “ Prasat Sambor as a Prototype of the Pyramidal State-Temple in Khmer Temple Construction “, Archaeological Discovery, vol. 9, n°1, 2021 : 52-83. [doi:10.4236/ad.2021.91003]
Khanh, P. T., “ Folk Games in Southern Khmer Culture in Vietnam “, The Journal of Social Sciences Research, 7(3), 2021 : 108-115.
Kimura, F., Ito, Y., Matsui, T., Shishido, H., Kitahara, I., Kawamura, Y., & Morishima, A., " Tourist Participation in the Preservation of World Heritage –A Study at Bayon Temple in Cambodia– ", Journal of Cultural Heritage, vol. 50, July–August 2021 : 163-170. []
Kwok, William, “ The political organization of genocide. Central orders and regional implementation under the Khmer Rouge “, in Eve Monique Zucker & Ben Kiernan (eds), Political Violence in Southeast Asia since 1945, London, Routledge, 2021 : 80-100.
Labbé, Lucie, " Autour de Saramani. Nouvelles données sur Roland Meyer et son œuvre ", Péninsule 81, 2020 [publication 2021] : 117-148.
Lawrence, B., " Authoritarian Constitutional Borrowing and Convergence in Cambodia ", Contemporary Southeast Asia, 43(2), 2021 : 321-344.
Leng, Sirang, “ Reamker Performance in Khmer Society “, in ParuL Pandya Dhar (ed.), The Multivalence of an Epic: Retelling the Ramayana in South India and Southeast Asia, Manipal, Manipal Universal Press, 2021 : 328-338.
Loizeau, Rachel, “ Rāmāyaṇa in Khmer sculpture with special reference to the Yuddhakāṇḍa, 10th-12th centuries “, in ParuL Pandya Dhar (ed.), The Multivalence of an Epic: Retelling the Ramayana in South India and Southeast Asia, Manipal, Manipal Universal Press, 2021 : 85-102.
Loughlin, N., & Milne, S., “ After the grab? Land control and regime survival in Cambodia since 2012 “, Journal of Contemporary Asia, 51(3), 2021 : 375-397.
Maloux, Thierry, " Vaincre aussi par l’image et la parole : les tracts au Cambodge pendant la guerre d’Indochine (1945-1954) ", Péninsule 81, 2020 [publication 2021] : 149-180.
Mikaelian, Grégory, " In memoriam Saveros Pou (1929-2020) ", Péninsule 81, 2020 [publication 2021] : 5-90.
Natarajan, N., Brickell, K., & Parsons, L., “ Diffuse drivers of modern slavery: from microfinance to unfree labour in Cambodia “, Development and Change, 52(2), March 2021 : 241-264.
Nguyen Quang Hung & Vu Hong Van, “ Trends change in religious and belief living of the khmer people in Tra Vinh province “, PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, vol. 18 n° 4, 2021 : 7033-7042. []
Path, Kosal, “ The Khmer Republic’s mass persecution of the Vietnamese minority in Cambodia 1970–75 “, in Eve Monique Zucker & Ben Kiernan (eds), Political Violence in Southeast Asia since 1945, London, Routledge, 2021 : 134-147.
Pov, S., Kawai, N. & Matsumiya, N., “ Determinants of student achievement at lower secondary schools in rural Cambodia “, Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 20, 2021 : 207–222.
Preuil, S., " La province de Siem Reap au Cambodge : Quel devenir pour des espaces ruraux touchés par un fort développement impulsé par le tourisme ? ", Belgeo. Revue belge de géographie, 2, 2021, 31 p. []
Talim, Meena, Religious sculptures in Cambodia, Delhi, B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2021, 106 p.
Thun, Theara, “ Treason and Loyalty to the Royal Court : The Kan Narrative in Nineteenth- and Early-Twentieth-Century Khmer Chronicle Manuscripts “, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol. 31, n°2, April 2021 : 343-362.
Thun, T., & Keo, D., “ Ethnic Vietnamese and the Khmer Rouge: the genocide and race debate “, Critical Asian Studies, 2021 : 1-17.
Travouillon, K., & Bernath, J., “ Time to break up with the international community? Rhetoric and realities of a political myth in Cambodia “, Review of International Studies, 47(2), 2021 : 231-250.
Tyner, J., & Rice, S., “ Agrarian Marxism, Animal Geographies, and non-human labor in Democratic Kampuchea ”, Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, August 2021. [doi:10.1177/25148486211038799]
Rhodes, M. A., “ Music work: Traditional Cambodian music and state‐building under the Khmer Rouge “, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, vol.62, n°1, April 2021 : 27-39.
Saphan, L. & Hun, N., “ Popular and Political Songwriting in Cambodia: From Sihanouk’s Prewar Golden Age to Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge “, in Kim, M.(Ed.), The Golden Age of Cambodian Popular Music, Seoul, Hyunsilbook, 2021 : 41-81.
Young, S., “ Internet, Facebook, competing political narratives, and political control in Cambodia “, Media Asia, 48(1), 2021 : 67-76.
Ziemke, Patrick, “ Valerius Rist : un missionnaire allemand au Cambodge (1724-1730). Analyse d'un récit de voyage “ , Péninsule 82, 2021 : 69-93.
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