Association d'échanges et de formation pour les études khmères
Echos de la recherche - Panel 41 (1° semestre 2023)
Benzaquen-Gautier, Stéphanie, " The Relational archive of the Khmer Republic (1970-1975); Re-isiting the ‘coup’ and the ‘civil war’ in Cambodia through written sources ", South East Asia Research, vol. 29, n° 4, December 2021 : 450-468.
Goodall, Dominic ; Hun, Chhunteng & al., " Sectarian rivalry in ninth-century Cambodia: a posthumous inscription narrating the religious tergiversations of Jayavarman III (K. 1457) ", Medieval Worlds, 13, 2021 : 266-295.
Thirion-Merle, Valérie ; Desbat, Armand ; Thierrin-Michael Gisela & Hong, Ranet, " The Kiln Sites of the ‘Torp Chey’ Area (Cambodia): Production and Distribution ", BEFEO, n° 106, 2020 (publié en 2021) : 195-223.
Chang, Dae-oup, " Transnational labour regimes and neo-liberal development in Cambodia ", Journal of Contemporary Asia, vol. 52, n° 1, 2022 : 45-70.
Cooke, Paul ; Katie Hodgkinson & Peter Manning, " Changing the story: Intergenerational dialogue, participatory video and perpetrator memories in Cambodia ", Memory Studies, publié en ligne : juillet 2022. []
Cros, Jean, Un pharmacien en pays khmer, Toulouse, Privat édition, 2022, 389 p.
Frings-Hessami, Viviane, " Rouge archives: appropriation, reconstruction, neo-colonial exploitation and their implications for the reuse of the records ", [in] Viviane Frings-Hessami & Fiorella Foscarini (éds.), Archives in a Changing Climate -Part I & Part II., Cham, Springer, 2022 : 47-71.
Hyde, S. D., Lamb, E., & Samet, O., " Promoting Democracy Under Electoral Authoritarianism: Evidence From Cambodia ", Comparative Political Studies, publié en ligne : septembre 2022. []
Ironside, Jeremy, " Localizing global concepts: an exploration of Indigeneity in Cambodia ", Critical Asian Studies, vol. 54, n° 3, 2022 : 374-397.
Jacobs, Rachel P., " Married by the revolution: forced marriage as a strategy of control in Khmer Rouge Cambodia ", Journal of genocide research, vol. 24, n° 3, 2022 : 357-379.
Kim, Jinah, " Goddess Prajñāpāramitā and Esoteric Buddhism in Jayavarman VII's Angkor ", [in] Andrea Acri & Peter Sharrock (ed.), The Creative South. Buddhist and Hindu Art in Mediaeval Maritime Asia, vol. 1, Singapore, ISEAS, 2022 : 167-191.
Koga, Kei, " How strategic is ‘asymmetric’ strategic partnership? Japan’s partnership diplomacy toward Cambodia and Laos ", Asian Security, vol. 18, n° 2, 2022 : 93-118.
Kojima, Yoko & al., " Relationship between drainage capacity and foundation settlement at Pre Rup Temple: Basic study on Khmer architecture drainage systems Part 1 ", Japan Architectural Review, vol. 5, n° 1, 2022 : 77-93.
Lawrence, Benjamin, " Saffron Suffrage: Buddhist Monks and Constitutional Politics in Cambodia ", Journal of Law and Religion, vol. 37, n° 2, 2022 : 259-283.
Luo, Jing Jing & Un, Kheang, " Organizational strength and authoritarian durability in Cambodia ", Communist and Post-Communist Studies, vol. 55, n° 4, 2022 : 59-82.
Martson, John A., " Dharmawara Mahathera, Sihanouk, and the Cultural Interface of Cambodia’s Cold War Relations with India ", Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 11, n° 2, August 2022 : 219-247.
Mikaelian, Grégory, " Khmera lex … sed lex. Note sur les possibles fondements juridiques de la violence khmère rouge ", Péninsule 84, 2022 : 73-108.
Nhem, Davut & Nutsa, Kobakhidze, " New Generation Schools in Cambodia: a farewell to shadow education? " Asia Pacific Journal of Education, publié en ligne : août 2022. []
Reinecke, Andreas, " The Sa Huynh Culture and Related Cultures in Southern Vietnam and Cambodia ", [in] Charles F. W. Higham & Nam C. Kim (éds.),The Oxford Handbook of Early Southeast Asia, Oxford Handbooks, publié en ligne : février 2022. []
Scheer, Catherine, " Subaltern soldiers: Overshadowed Bunong highlanders in the Khmer Republic's army, 1970–75 ", Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, vol. 53, n° 1-2, 2022 : 123-152.
Shivani Kapoor ; Swati Chemburkar ; Andrea Acri, & Olivier Cunin, " Librairies or Fire Shrines? Reinterpreting the Function- of 'Annex Buldings' in Khmer Shaiva Temples from the Prisme of Early Shaivaïsm ", [in] Andrea Acri & Peter Sharrock (eds.), The Creative South. Buddhist and Hindu Art in Mediaeval Maritime Asia, vol. 1, Singapore, ISEAS, 2022 : 222-238.
Swati, Chemburkar, " Dancers, Musicians, Ascetics, and Priests: Performance-base Shaiva Worship and its Development in the Temple Cults of Angkor ", [in] Andrea Acri & Peter Sharrock (eds.), The Creative South. Buddhist and Hindu Art in Mediaeval Maritime Asia, vol. 1, Singapore, ISEAS, 2022 : 192-221.
Walker, Trent, " Khmer Nuns and Filial Debts: Buddhist Intersections in Contemporary Cambodia ", Religions, vol. 13, n° 10, publié en ligne : septembre 2022.
Walker, Trent, " Liquid Language: The Art of Bitextual Sermons in Middle Cambodia ", Journal of Indian Philosophy, vol. 50, n° 4, 2022 : 705-723.
Atnashev, Vadim, " The Cham of Cambodia as a Divided People: From Refuge to Genocide ", [in] Proceedings of Topical Issues in International Political Geography, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2023 : 451-458.
Baird, Ian G., " Indigenous communal land titling, the microfinance industry, and agrarian change in Ratanakiri Province, Northeastern Cambodia ", The Journal of Peasant Studies, 2023 : 1-27.
Brighenti, Francesco, " Tantrism and the weretiger lore of Burma, Thailand, and Cambodia ", [in] Andrea Acri & Paolo E. Rosati (éds.),Tantra, Magic, and Vernacular Religions in Monsoon Asia, Londres, Routledge, 2023 : 173-190.
Forestier, Hubert ; Griggo, Christophe & Heng Sophady, " L’Hoabinhien ou le paradigme égaré de la modernité européenne en Extrême-Orient : l’exemple de la Préhistoire du Cambodge ", [in] H. Forestier & V. Zeitoun (dir.), Hiatus, lacunes et absences : identifier et interpréter les vides archéologiques, Le poids de l’histoire des sciences et l’hégémonie européenne en préhistoire, Société préhistorique française, 2023, 29e Congrès préhistorique de France. [En ligne]
Guérin, Mathieu, À l’ombre du palmier à sucre. Les campagnes cambodgiennes sous protectorat français à travers l’exemple de Kampong Thom, Paris, EFEO diffusion, monographie n° 200, 2023, 464 p.
Hyde, Susan D. ; Emily Lamb & Oren Samet, " Promoting democracy under electoral authoritarianism: Evidence from Cambodia ", Comparative Political Studies, vol. 56, n° 7, 2023 : 1029-1071.
Jagel, Matthew, Khmer Nationalist: Sơn Ngoc Thành, the CIA, and the Transformation of Cambodia, DeKalb, Northern Illinois University Press, 2023, 246 p.
Kiernan, Ben, " Mass murder and genocide in Indonesia and Cambodia, 1965-79: Cold War, state, and region ", [in] David J. Simon & Leora Kahn (eds.), Handbook of Genocide Studies, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023 : 95-105.
Lawrence, Benjamin, " The National Assembly and Senate of the Kingdom of Cambodia ", [in] Po Jen Yap & Rehan Abeyratne (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Asian Parliaments, Londres, Routledge, 2023 : 125-142.
Lawreniuk, Sabina, " Zombie resistance: Reanimated labour struggles and the legal geographies of authoritarian neoliberalism in Cambodia ", Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, vol. 48, n° 1, 2023 : 39-55.
Murg, Bradley J. & Sok Udom Deth, " Cambodia-Taiwan Relations: Of Survival and Soft Power ", [in] Karl Chee Leong Lee & Ying-kit Chan (eds.), Taiwan and Southeast Asia, Londres, Routledge, 2023 : 44-54.
Norén-Nilsson, Astrid ; Savirani, Amalinda & Uhlin, Anders (eds.), Civil society elites: field studies from Cambodia and Indonesia, Copenhague, NIAS Press, 2023, 256 p.
Touch, S., Wang, L., Phea, K., Zhao, J., Gu, J. (eds.), Cambodia-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Towards a Community with a Shared Future, Singapore, Springer, 2023, 179 p.
Sam, Sam-Ang, " Ramayana Theater in Cambodia ", [in] Madoka Fukuoka, Ramayana Theater in Contemporary Southeast Asia, Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2023 : 91-111.
Söderström, Johanna, " Relational peace among elites in Cambodia? Domination, distrust, and dependency ", [in] Anna Jarstad ; Johanna Söderström & Malin Åkebo (eds.), Relational peace practices, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2023 : 51-73.
Stark, Miriam T., " Pre-Angkorian and Angkorian Cambodia ", Southeast Asia, 2023 : 89-119.
Uchida, Etsuo ; Yusu Lu & Lui Du, " Non-destructive investigation of sandstone blocks used in the Wat Phu temple in Laos and the Banteay Chhmar temple in Cambodia ", Heliyon, vol.9, n° 5, 2023, 15 p. []
Interventions / Séminaires / Projets
Actualité Thèses & Mémoires
Sok Siphana, Analyse de la dualité juridique au Cambodge, Thèse de doctorat en Droit privé, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, juin 2022, 773 p.
© AEFEK 2023 - Abdoul-Carime Nasir